Access and Introduction to Desktop WordPress

WordPress desktop is the main part where it is administered, content is added, updated, plugins and many other essential tasks are installed so that the platform has optimal performance.
If you first install WordPress, you need to gradually get familiar with the desktop and all its components.
See in this tutorial how to access the Desktop and a little analysis of its parts and why they work.
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When you installed WordPress, you know it safe to enter the area administrator, the URL is:
Any of these forms work well to enter.
(Obviously you must replace where it says “your domain” with your domain name).
We will analyze one by one each of the 12 components:
1. Main Desk (home screen). This is the main part of the desktop of WordPress. Here you will see some elements such as publication data (number of posts, pages, comments, etc.), the recent activity, a quick draft and news from the world of WordPress.
All this can be modified and select which want to show and what not at the top where it says “Display Options”
2. Updates. In this option you will see everything related to the different updates for WordPress, including the version of the platform, themes and plugins.
3. Tickets. If you want to create a blog as your home page or a section of secondary blog entries content pieces that are going to be publishing it. In other words, every update of your blog is an input (or other items is also called).
Also in this section you can add and modify both categories as tags.
4. Media. Add images, files and even small videos for use on your posts or pages.
5. Pages. The pages function to publish content and more static and unchanged. If you are not going to create a blog and a will focus on corporate or informational site, the pages will be your primary means of publication. Unlike the inputs, no publication date.
6. Comments. Area where you manage all the comments that are published either in your blog or on your pages. The you can edit, delete or send SPAM. You can also select if you prefer to first see and approve or automatically released.
7. Information of a theme or template. This section does not appear in all cases, rather, only when you use a “Premium” theme or which has its own panel of options to modify its structure and design. In the image is Genesis. In your case appear the topic name you will use.
8. Appearance. In this section you can add, delete or install new themes, widgets manage, create and modify menus, edit the code of your theme files (including CSS) and also customize the title and static cover of your topic (the homepage).
9. Plugins. Add, modify, or delete new plugins installed (see everything in another tutorial on this point).
10. Users. You can edit your profile, add your social network links, change your alias, email and basic information. If other people are going to edit your site or publish content in this section you can create them a profile and define its role (to be discussed in another lesson too).
11. Tools. Import and export options are available to start. If you install certain plugins, your options panel might appear in this section.
12. Settings. All the basic settings of your blog is made in this part. You can also modify the settings of any plugin that you install in this section. Input will have access to configure general options, writing, reading, comments, media and permanent links.
These are all options for your primary Desktop WordPress!
I invite you to navigate and discover each one as you will be interacting much with the entire platform.
Remember that as you go installing plugins or themes, the panel may have more added options.