Marketing Plan For An Online Store

Define online marketing plan is very useful whether you are going to start selling online as if we have an e-commerce and we want to improve our results. This item will mark the guidelines to follow and help us not to deviate from our goals.
Digital marketing agency in Adelaide, Australia
In Human Level Communications we develop online marketing plans for electronic commerce using the following structure:
Analysis of the initial situation
In the first phase of an online marketing plan work on collecting and analyzing relevant information about who is the company that wants to sell online, who your potential customers are drawn as the game scenario.
The marketing plan is a roadmap to achieve one or more objectives. Therefore it is essential to define what aspects we want to improve and measure how much. Obviously, a key objective will be to increase turnover, however we can set ourselves secondary objectives such as increasing by 10% the number of repeat customers purchase with us or increase the average minimum value at 10 euros cart.
Definition of the target
Not all of our customers buy in our online store to meet the same needs . If we want all they perceive an improvement in us we begin classifying them into groups based on one key feature: purchasing power, location, socio-cultural, professional, etc.
For example, if we have an online store decoration, we have customers who want to decorate your home or professional decorators. Both buy our products, but need different treatment.
Environmental analysis
In this phase we will study the current state and evolution of the market where we work, for this purpose, seek sectoral reports and analyze the evolution of searches for keywords related to our business.
Secondly we find and classify our major online competitors. We begin by defining a list of key words for which we would like to appear in good positions in search engines and check what retailers are positioning themselves to those terms.
With tools SEMrush get this information in a very simple way. In addition to pointing out who our competitors, we will list the keywords for which they are positioning and will show a graphic with an estimate of the web traffic they receive, with which we can get an idea of how much traffic can get us and also what seasonality It has the sector. You can find more information about other articles Semrush Human Level.
We recommend further follow our competence in social networks, subscribe to newsletters and periodically visit their websites to know that you are doing and how it is working for them.
Promotion Strategies
In the phase of online marketing plan concerning the promotion strategies begin to define what actions we will take to achieve our goals.
Online shop
The first thing to look at our online marketing plan will be the online store, it is here where conversions are performed. Our e-commerce must comply with all aspects we have discussed in other articles of the blog: to be usable, compatible with mobile devices – responsive design – have adequate means of payment, shipping costs are adjusted prices, etc.
Search engine optimization
We define the strategy that gradually our website you gain visibility for those terms we have previously selected. A great advantage of search engine optimization is that once we stop working on it, the results will remain for a long period of time. In return, we find that traffic growth will be gradual, so we will need to support this action with other tasks to achieve from the beginning a traffic volume that allows us to sell from the beginning.
Content marketing
This discipline is halfway between improving brand image and positioning in search engines. If we generate quality content regularly get position ourselves as a leader in the sector and will increase the traffic that comes to electronic commerce through searches related to our products.
In content marketing we must develop a blog within our online shop and define a writing guide which will detail the issues on which we will write the content, the message tone and refresh rate.
If you want to sell from the beginning it is highly recommended to start with a Google Adwords campaign. We will design specific ad using the keywords defined above . Frequently revise campaigns created to obtain a CPC (cost per click) under and for information on what products are most interesting to our potential customers.
Newsletters and promotional emails
We program the sending newsletters with news of each month as a complement to the marketing content. Generating quality content will get increased subscriber list that ultimately are potential customers.
Besides sporadically we send-not tire the client-advertising emails which tell of offers in the online store.
Portals satellites
If our product is likely to generate surpluses, we define the best way to dispose of this stock. To this end we will establish contacts with portals selling surplus stock and offer for coupons.
Presence in social networks
Depending on customer profiles identify the social networks where we want to be and to what extent. At this point we establish a temporary investment for each strategy as well as a separate communication.
Analysis of results
Monthly we evaluate the actions taken, investments and what percentage we have met the objectives, in this way we can take the necessary decisions to achieve the goal. Here web analytics will be a great ally, as well as tools that help us put our evolution on the evolution of competition.
In short, e-commerce does not differ much from a traditional business, the fewer decisions take at random, have more chance of success. We must persevere, and never lose the hunger to learn everything about your business. Only then success is achieved.